This weekend we finally took our camper out to Horseshoe Bend for a weekend of relaxation and fun. We haven't had the camper out since before I was pregnant with Kellen so it was time for us to get it out and get some use out of it. The baby ended up getting RSV on Monday so my sister was SO awesome and took him over to Pryor with her so my mom and other sister could watch him and I didn't have to take him out and have him around a campfire. I have the BEST family ever!!!! We went camping with a few other friends. James and Alan brought their RV, The Burnett's and half of the Wright's came as well. They kids all got along so well together. It was so much fun and we can't wait to do it again soon!
The view we woke up to
Kyson waiting for it to get dark so he can watch the movie
James is all snuggled up ready for the movie
How else do you camp? Everyone has a blow up screen right!
I love these boys and hope that they remember these times together when they grow up!